Socal 2024
thank you for an amazing time!
relive the moment!
We have posted the restream of our event on our YouTube channel and will be posting highlights in the upcoming weeks. Head to our YouTube channel to relive all the action from TEF 1 SoCal.
Want to see some of the great TEF 1 photos from the TEF 1 SoCal 2024 event? Then head to our Instagram and Facebook pages.
Be sure to stay on the look out for announcements of our future TEF 1 events!
What is tef 1?
TEF 1 Racing League aims to be at the forefront of the world of personal electric vehicle(PEV) racing, and dedicated to showcasing the innovations of PEVs as a spectator sports event. TEF 1 races encompass all-PEV categories, including e-skates, e-bikes, e-scooters, and EUCs.
Working with PEV communities and sponsors from around the world, we hope to bring PEV racing to the mainstream market for racing enthusiasts to enjoy.